Helicopter charter, rental and hire

Insurance & Safety

Passengers, baggage and property on ground is insured in accordance with Civil Aviation Authorities requirements for commercial helicopter charter and rental business. Amount varies, however check the helicoptercompany rersponsible for flying your tour for details. Helicopters are also assured.For sling operations, the items lifted is insured while beeing airborne. Coverage is normally  given in amount per. kilo.If certain objects have value beyond amount, separaet insurance should be agreed. Before lifted from ground or after lifthook is released , the customer has the esponsibility.   Exceptions are when or if the helicopter itself happens to cause damage on fixed property on landingsite or destination site as a result of its mission. .  Conditions are, however, that  all regulations from the Civil Aviation authority are followed and that all permits are in place. Aircraft and pilot are subject to strict control of the aviation authority. Aviation Safety is a fundamental buildingstone in helicopter business.